The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Classical - Some of my favourites that I wanted to share..

As a child I loved classical music. This came from a combination of ballets that I would watch on the ABC, and some of the original Tom and Jerry shorts from the 1940s that often incorporated classical music into them. This Hungarian piece featured in the Tom and Jerry short "Cat Concerto"
Probably better than Yohanns Waltz would be this one.. :) I especially love the music around the 7.5 minute mark..


Salvaging Home Movies from DVD to Mpeg

I recently accidentally deleted all of my home movies from my computer!
I was pretty devestated but thankfully had them backed up as watchable DVDs. I wanted to get them back onto my PC and I found this free program that made it easy and quick to rip DVDs to MPEGS.

My Favourite Things

Favourite Films

I tend to really like individual actors and be drawn towards all their films.. rather than random selections although there are some randoms

Males - John Krasinski, Christian Slater, Steve Carrell, Jim Carey, Josh Harnett, Andrew Mcarthey, Anthony Michael Hall, Steve Martin, Dan Ackroyd, Jared Leto, James Marsden, Josh Jackson, Eric Mabius, Kevin Bacon

Females - Mandy Moore, Kate Hudson, Drew Barrymore, Claire Danes, Sandra Bullock, Sigourney Weaver, Christina Ricci, Katherine Heigal, Cameron Diaz, Mariss Tomei

Licenced to Wed ,Pearl Harbour
How to Lose a guy in 10 days,
Trading Places ,How to Deal
Saved, American Dreamz
American Psycho, Heathers
16 Candles, Ferris Buellers Day Off
Dirty Dancing, Step Up
Shall We Dance, Stricly Ballroom
A Walk to Remember, Pumpkin
Bride Wars, Gossip
Resident Evil 1,2,3
Friday the 13th 1,2,3
Aliens / Alien, Uncle Buck
Home Alone 1 & 2
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Untamed Heart, Pump up the Volume
The Chumbscrubber, Weekend at Bernies
Pay it Forward, 7 Pounds
Interview with the Vampire
Raising Helen, Devil Wears Prada
Maid in Manhattan, The Running Man
Never Been Kissed
The Wedding Singer,Donny Darko

As a kid I loved Arnold Schwarzenegger until he started going in comedy films then I felt he lost some credibility as an action man.
c)Favourite Card Games - Cheat & SkipBo - Uno/Canasta / 7 Card stud Poker
d)Favourite Sports - Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Tennis
e)Favourite Music - Hmm most stuff except death metal.. thousands of musicians to list
f)Favourite Brands - Mooks, Ladakh, Seduce, Doc Martens, Converse Chucks!
g)Favourite TV Shows - Seinfeld, The Office(US version) Desperate Housewives
The Brady Bunch, South Park, Fawlty Towers, Happy Days, King of the Hill
h)Favourite Stones - Onyx, Amber, Turquoise
i)Favourite Places - Grand Canyon, Cable Beach, Grousse Mountain
(and the graffiti wall in Fremantle)
j)Likes - I love Graffiti.. it makes me happy... I find beauty in some really rundown hoodlem type areas, i love nature too
k)Favourite Smell - freshly mowed grass
l)Alone or Together - I like to be with somebody most of the time. Sometimes I like just meditating on my own, usually when I'm out walking or excersizing I'm on the phone to a friend and I love having visitors. I work at home so I spend more time alone than I'd like
m)What makes you feel loved? - Well in christian circles there is actually a book called 'the 5 love languages' and it talks about how you might feel loved when you're touched, but your partner might not, your partner might feel more loved when you wash their dishes.. and it'ss about understanding how to make the other person feel loved. pretty good book
Out of the 5 they say most people have a primary and secondary however I scored equally high on 'words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch'
(the other 2 are acts of service and gifts)
all 5 apply to all people but most people have a more dominant. the tests online and its pretty good google it!
n) What are you listening to on your iPod right now?
well does my iPhone count? I don't have an iPod lol
well I have hundreds of songs on there but the last week or so I have mostly been listening to
'Next Contestant - Nickelback'
'Starlite Singers - g6'

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Class Photo..

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Quest for Love.. and "The Vow"

Just last month, on the 3rd of August.. I spent the day in New York City.
I took photographs of random strangers, I explored the Plaza Hotel... Purchased a blueberry pie at one of the Plazas stores.. and sat alone in Central Park to eat it.. Marveling the wonderment that is new york city.. I stood on the streets for minutes that seemed like hours.. watching the pigeons gather at the horses feet.. watching the horses take graceful steps that made the birds scatter into the sky.. trying to take the perfect photo.

I can't explain why eating a $7 blueberry pie from the Plaza Hotel in Central Park was special.. I can't explain why it was a 'moment'... I can only say that it was.
I've had people ask.. 'Why did you do that?' Asking a question like that seems perplexing to me.. Isn't it obvious why I did it?? Because I wanted to.. Because something about it felt good.. Because it felt like for that moment in time.. I was making my dream a reality.. At that moment in time.. I lived in New York City.. I worked for a magazine in Manhattan.. and I ate fancy food on our late afternoon lunch dates or early dinners on the go with them in the park in our fashionable clothing.. In that moment.. I was who I wanted to be.. and living where I wanted to live.. The bird ladies of central park, the pigeons, the street venders, all where a part of my every day life.. I realize now that anybody who would ask 'Why did you do that' just simply does not share or understand or comprehend my vision... At that moment I realized.. If you do not share my vision, you probably aren't going to feel like a fit in my life.

I realized how important it is in a life partner to find somebody who has the same vision as you.. 2 lives being like 2 lead characters in a movie.. In a movie the script is written to make the 2 main characters fit together.. In such a way love should join 2 people forever in harmony.. 2 people who share a vision.

I sat down tonight to watch 'The Vow'. It had that super hot guy from 'Dear John' in it.. If you haven't seen the film, his new wife loses her memory after a car accident. She doesn't remember her husband, and he gives up every part of his life and every effort of his soul to make her fall in love with him again..
This is the only way that love should be. The bible itself even says that a wife should be like the church, and the groom like Jesus.. Willing to die for the one that he loves. I've seen so many relationships that could be described only as a crock. Relationships where slashing each other apart and tearing each other down where the norm. Cheating, criticizing, living separate lives.. I sit here wondering.. For me a life without this kind of love is not worth living. To live a life without thta one person loving you is a fate worse than death.. worse than a horror film. I realize now that so many women (christian especially) don't actually understand this need in me.. Perhaps they themselves are happy to live lives alone.. Where they don't really matter to anyone.. Or perhaps they matter to so many people that one missing from their life will go unnoticed..
I am in neither of those categories.. I grew up alone, and even now I'm not sure which of my friends (if any) are in it for the long haul.. Some have let me down.. Some have left my life and come back.. Some I would like to 'break up' with but haven't gotten around to it.. After all, what if I couldn't replace them?
What if I got rid of the old dress full of holes and couldn't find another to replace it? Then I'd be left with a bigger hole in the wardrobe than before..
I can't relate to these women. These women that say 'ask yourself why you want love'.. I can't relate to them, and evident-ally their questions show they can't relate to me..

I live constantly trying to pretend I don't have this fear that almost swallows me hole. A fear that I will end up alone.. Half of my parents and all of my siblings chose not to be a part of my life from when I was a tiny child.. Having a strange mother and being a loud and free thinking child left me alone in my childhood.. For most of my life, there has been no family.. and no friends.. This is just one more reason that finding 'the one' is so important to me.. the more I watch movies like this, the more tears I shed.. wondering 'will it ever happen to me'.. I don't want to pretend to love somebody.. I've tried that before.. I don't want to be with somebody who is pretending to love me.. I've been down that road too.
My non christian girlfriends often suggest 'you're too picky' but you're giving your life to that person.. You don't find 'the one' by saying 'well I don't really like you but I'll force myself to'. It might work for some people, but to me that is a fate worse than being alone.

Every day I am forced to look in the mirror.. I look in the mirror, and I'm forced to face the eyes of a little girl whos older sisters and brother didn't want her.. whos male biological parent didn't want her.. and largely through life has dated, been rejected by, and had broken friendships with other people who didn't want her.
I see somebody who has continually been told by people that she's a disappointment, and is still being told by people that she's a disappointment.. I've always thought I was great.. but I've always wondered.. if I'm so great why doesn't somebody else see it.. and I've always acknowledged that whether I think I'm great or not isn't relevant if the world things I'm annoying, a nuisance, loud, and overbearing..

That brings me back to the original thought.. Is there anybody who will share my vision.. Is there such a thing as a soul mate.. I have friends who don't believe in soul mates.. They believe you can be compatible with many people and make a successful life long relationship with many.. That makes me feel like even more of a reject.. If there's many for some.. why isn't there any for me?

I have to juggle hope against uncertainty.. and it's like pushing a boulder uphill.. Every day that I am alone.. I shed tears.. Tears that nobody sees.. Tears I don't get to share.. Tears that make my cat purr. Tears that leave a sore ache that never goes away..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Silly things christians say to singles

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making Music

Loop Programs Free Garageband Alternatives