The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Madeline Alexanders affirmation positive thinking message

To achieve your goals you must say it and believe it.
What you mentally believe will manifestMould your mindset and speak your success. Tell yourself who you are, and that you are well 
able to accomplish your goals.
Believe in yourself to be successful
In relationships remove the internal critic that 
tells you you're going to fail again because of 
the last time
If you're sturggling to lose weight as you have 
in the past, let go of the record that says 'you 
won't do it this time'When we play these old messages we limit 
ourselves if we let these thoughts inhabit our mind.Rewrite your mental soundtrack for success.
Recognise the 'language of limits' in yoru mind. Learn awareness to be aware of what you are 
saying to yourself every day.
Be attentive to your thoughts.What are you saying to yourself and what is in 
your soundtrack of self talkThe language of limits reenforces doubt, fear, 
mediocrity. Language that causes you to 
procrastinate. Different limitations that can come up. Expose them and remove them
"when a negative thought comes to mind about your personal power, you must combat that with 
Self talk is a replaying soundtrack.
The people we surround ourself with, and the people and things that we input into our mind, 
can limit our self esteem, self image, they can replay over and over. Be picky about who you 
allow to speak into your life.
God wants us to triumphso the story isn't over when things look bad :)So much of our negative self talk comes from us believing that we have to achieve on our own.We don't have the strength on our own but we 
have the power of God. He is all powerful in us.
use the power of the Bibles words and bulldoze the negativity in your mindset.
not 'positive affirmations' but God affirmationsGod is powerful enough to get rid of everything 
bad from your life. Accomplish your dreams and goals by getting 
yourself in alignment with what the word of God 
says. No plan can succeed against the Lord.When we're steadfast in God we can achieve all 
of our desires. Meditate in the word of God day 
and night. Speak it over yourself and bulldoze 
the negativity in your subconcs1ious.

LET IT GO! 1-14-2013 The Breakthrough Morning Show with The Power Coach™
Walk in the full favour full blessing of the Lord... Operate in a power mindset.. When we are walking in the power and annoiting of God He makes us rich and success in every area.
That doesn't man we don't have challenges, it doesn't mean we won't walk througha  storm, but God is with us and always causes us to triumph.
What are you holding onto that is holding you back?
Toxic or dry relationship?
Mediocre job?
Procrastination on goals?

DESTROY ALL DOUBT! 12-10-2012 The Breakthrough Morning Show with The Power Coach
BEST LIFE is a blessed life
Gods intention is to live out the God plan for our life. Every blessing he manifests in our life is connected to our mission assignment.

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