The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Friday, April 5, 2013

Thanking God in Advance

Thank God in Advance - A Sermon by Joel Osteen.

This is something many Christians have been challenging me on over the last couple of years, and right now I'm in a season of 'refining' and so this is something that is speaking to me. Hopefully my notes can help you as you watch the sermon.

I'm going to talk about thanking God in advance because many people have mentioned it to me recently.. A friend who was thanking the Lord for her future baby for three years before she had them, and other people who have encouraged me in this way.

Being thankful when God has given you the desires of your heart. Did you pray for the leadership position you have now? Did you pray for the mortgage and business and baby you have now? Then be thankful!

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