The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, August 29, 2011

Love, Mercy, and the Shattering of Ones Heart

I was talking to a much younger friend of mine on facebook tonight. We were chatting when she said (quote)
""nothing lasts forever" it's why I don't date.. I don't want to turn to despise the person I once loved the most."
 then after a while I logged onto okcupid.. the dating website and in their random selections of questions you can choose to answer I found
"If given the choice of a lifelong relationship with someone you would love but never have a lustful "spark" for or a few years of intense passion with someone you would love intensely, which would you choose?"First let's talk on the former quote. I think about the depth it carries.. and the 2 things it means... it means never getting hurt.. it means never being let down by the person you love, because you never give them a chance.. It also means never finding true love.. it also means never finding 'the one'.. if you never give anybody the chance to be.. Or it could protect her until the real 'one' comes into her life.. Shakespeare once said that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Shakespeare also said that somebody who has already fallen in love is more likely to fall in love again than somebody who never has.
Let's look at the question from the dating website.. the author of the question seems to be implying that you either have to settle for a mediocre 'love' that is not 'in love' and not full of intense desire.. OR be in a short term relationship filled with desire but no longevity.. Why can't you hope for the best of every world and hold out until you get it.. Why can't you end up with somebody you're crazy about?

I'll explore these arguments more in later posts! 

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