The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You know some people tell me that the friendships on television aren't real.. It's just television.. but that couldn't be further from the truth. Where does television come from? As a writer myself, I can tell you that writers write from experience.. Many years ago I stated that I wanted to write a book called... "The Anti Friendship Book - When Familiarity Breeds Contempt" Each chapter was going to be a short story of it's own merit. Some where going to be my stories.. Some where going to be other peoples stories shared with me (with names changed) for the book sake.. This year for me has been an exodus.. An exodus of friends walking out of my life for various reason.. and just like my youth.. some of those reasons are crazy. Would you believe I once lost a friend because we had a fight over pronunciation? And when I was 19, my "best friend" slept with my other best friend who I thought I was in love with.. hence ending both friendships.. Ultimately my life has taught me one loud screaming message.. "Do not trust people." I've had my share of female friends who are only around when they're single, to friends who treat you in a way that you don't want to accept.. but you let them because you're trying to figure the answers.. Let's come back to that thought.. The book was going to be short stories.. Some a half page, some pages upon pages long.. Each would start with the characters meetings, their relationship blooming.. and the demise of the friendship.. and then anything crazy that happened afterwards. Amazingly enough, years after I started planning my idea I found a book by Liz Prior.. titled 'What Did I Do Wrong? - When Women Don't Tell Eachother The Friendsip is Over'. In the book Liz writes her own stories, and shares other womens about friendships that have mysteriously ended. She had a best friend who was her own bridesmaid, and shortly before the best friend got married, she did a disappearing act. I remember the day I saw the book on Amazon.. excitedly yelling inside 'THAT'S MY BOOK!' and I was bursting to recieve it. I submitted my own story to Liz at some point.. but since 2012 has been a new mass exodus of "friends" from my life.. (and I'm using the term semi loosely) I've decided that I am going to write the book afterall. Instead of writing it in a novel format, I'm going to write it in blog format. Each destroyed friendship is going to be a blog post of it's own.. Some will be my own stories.. Others will be stories given to me by others.. I will also be blogging my relationship and or dating failures as their own stories since most of them are reminiscent of Melrose Place. Like I've said before, The Bible says 'to have a friend is to be a friend' however my own experience has been.. To be a friend is to be used as a driver.. a driver for the one with kids and no car, a driver for the drunk who wants a free ride.. To b e a friend is to be ditched in a club by a friend on a date.. To be a friend is to be lied to or have people not make the effort to come to your birthday party. To be a friend is to listen to the patronising dramas and statemets saying 'oh we'll be there for you'.. hollow.. hollow.. hollow... I hope to build up a blog following.. and I hope to recieve your anti friendship stories too. xoxo Over and Out.

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