The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, December 19, 2011

Evaluating Love

So how do you know you found the one?
What if there isn't one?
What if you could make it work with anybody at all.. What if it's just a matter of effort..?
Is there somebody who is made to be with you? By God... Like Eve for Adam?
If and when you find somebody who you love, how do you evaluate the love?
How do you decide if your life is worth handing over to them?
That might sound intense, but afterall isn't that what love is? You're handing over your life to a person.
No longer do you do it alone but you're doing it with another person.. forever... that's pretty massive.
So.. at the moment I am witnessing turmoil in the lives of friends. People I believed would last.. and be forever.. breaking up before me.
It feels like I'm standing in a magical land of ice.. but the world is warming and everything is melting and I fear for my own safety...
The line 'gamble everything for love' is so true because to love somebody is to put your heart in a jar of liquid nitrogen.. you're either going to have it softly and slowly warmed to the point that it's safely beating in their arms, or you're going to have it shattered beyond repair.. so damaged  that you need extra uper glue.

I'm rambling so I need to go. it's 1am.. but I would love some thoughts on this rheotirical metaphorical topic.

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