The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Friday, December 9, 2011

For Christian Single Guys - Finding Gods Best

I was googling the line "The full soul will loathe even the honeycomb, but the empty soul will find even a bitter thing sweet'
(from a Michelle Mckinney Hammond book I'm reading)

When I found this page with excerpts from a book she has written for men :)
I ended up having a bit of a read of the pages that are here, so thought to share it.

It's about exploring your heart to make sure you're looking for love for the right reasons, treating women as you're supposed to before God, and finding a Godly woman to share your life with.. who will submit to you and to God. :)

Girls if you read this i LOVE the part about 'avoid women who pursue relationships with you, if a woman is already pursuing the relationship then she is leading and will not submit to you later'
WISH i could convince some of my girlfriends of this one :)

If you're a girl and I've tagged you feel free to share with any christian men you think may benefit from this :)
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