The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Having a Fresh spirit - Sermon - Michael Battersby

"Fresh" - the "new new"
- What God wants us to take away about 'freshness'

Firstly, the definition of freshness 'having it's original qualities unimpaired, not stale, not sour, not decayed, not worn on rumbled. Being true and having integrity. Not faded or dull. Free from taint and impurity.
Recently kindled - fresh relationship or friendship. - exploratory or creative. Being original raw, or experimental

New is about the external
Fresh is internal
New is something new
Fresh is the opportunity to see what is within..
Something new could be something simple like a chair.
Something fresh can be a revelation.
Hebrews 11.3 - by faith we understand the world was put into place by God. So that the things that are seen, are not made of things that are visible'

"Look at the things that are not seen' (corinthians missed ref)
God wants us to be fresh on the inside. Look at things differently.

3 things
and relax

Repent - Penetos - to have sorrow -
when we allow sin, smallness, selfishness, pride - we must repent of these things.
Don't be jaded (bored worn down by continual indulgance, and experience in the wrong things)
Galations 6.9 Do not grow weary while doing good things. Do not faint
Allow your heart to come back to God continually -
Psalm 92 13-14 - those that are planted in the house of the Lord, you will flourish and be fresh and flourishing
Being green and fresh is the opposite of jadedness
over time disappointment is represented with colors of blue and yellow, infection.. they're colors of disappointment that cause your green freshness to become jade :)

Dare to believe that God will do it... 

REPLACE - a fesh health heart needs constant revision of disicpline
somebody who puts the practises of God ahead of their own comfort.
'hypertrophic cardio myopathy' - the thickening of the heart
- the life flow of God to us is JEsus and His fresh life of faith coming to us. If our hearts get hard Gods ability gets stunted through that

Ezekiel - 36.26
I will give you a new heart and I will put anew spirit within you.

If life is seeming harder than usual, get into your bible and journalling

RELAXING - (wow I struggle with this one)
Striving and physical activity does not bring us the things of God. It creates friction.
Sometimes things we think are pulling us down, are God pulling us into a new season.. situations that force us to use our faith. God loves us too much to leave us alone. God can supernaturally open doors, and supernaturally close doors. Nothing happens by accident, God is supernaturally guiding our steps. When we lose a friend and they walk out of our life, or when a loved one dies, if a friend does you wrong you can either embrace the change and God will use it to take you higher or you can become jaded and settle for mediocrity. All change is not bad. God would not allow it if He didn't have a purpose for it.

Things may be looking good and then go sour.. we can become jaded.. but just stay open and know God is in control. God will use it to push your destiny.

Some people are afraid to end relationships that are holding them back, God will turn the boat over and force you to move forward because he believes there is so much more for you. (I have certainly felt myself 'set free' from a few relationships over the last few years- relationships where the other person was crushing me from the inside)

Relax in Gods presence 

- I feel this sermon is kind of linked to Hayden Nelsons 'necessary endings' - - what I got out of Haydens sermon was this... Sometimes God closes the door on a job or employment situation - because if that door didn't close you couldn't walk into the job you were destined for..
Sometimes a door closes on a relationship you're in because you're with the wrong person.. you can't find Mr Right, if you're with Mr Right Now, or Mr Wrong.. (one and the same) - God brings endings into our life, because we need those endings to start our new beginnings.
We need doors closed and dealt with so that we can
a) heal
b) walk into new relationships baggage free
c) find the vocation we are destined to do.. our career or ministry or both

You can't find the one you will marry... while you are hanging onto somebody who is wrong for you.
You can't find your perfect career while you're hanging onto something comfortable and 'safe'
You can't step out in ministry while you're holding onto past hurts or in a church you don't 'belong' in
You can't have spaces in life for the new freinds you are praying for, while you are holding onto ones that make you unhappy
Sometimes somebody in life is holding us back.. and sometimes.. they leave.. A parent dies.. -
All of these endings can be things that can make us jaded.. Like Job 1.21 - we have to praise God when we are losing things from our life.. 'necessary endings' - because when we praise God in our adversary, He is happy.. When we are glad in Him. He is glad.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I want to be your last.. but I don't know who you are..

I found this amazing video on youtube today. It was just sitting there... In front of me.. waiting for me to hit 'play'.. I watched it and was amazed at how it described so many of the types of relationships I have experienced.. and that people experience throughout their lives.. Sometimes we love somebody we've never met.. Sometimes we fall in love with our best friends.. Sometimes we love somebody from afar.. Unrequited, Unrecognized, Sometimes we have our heart shattered by somebody we end up in a relationship with.. and sometimes when we're in a relationship... we become overcome with insecurity and jealousy wanting to be the most important person to the one we are with BUT what if they don't love us as much as they once loved "that guy/girl"... - I randomly found this video that sums up all of that and more.. Fantastic cinematography and an amazing 8 minute short film.. RECOMMEND! This is so beautiful to me because it really captures everything. The peer you thought you loved in school but he didn't know your name.. The guy friend you had feelings for but when he was single.. you weren't.. I love the term "Nostalgic Love" The right guy/girl at the wrong time.. and the relationships that are for but a season.. Even if just a weekend.. This embodies everything it's so amazing.. I love the cinematography also.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love to hide the pain..

Love.. the one thing we can't command.. we can't acquire into our life.. Today is 3 years since my mother died.. I feel a massive void and needed to see somebody tonight.. Needed just one of my friends to give me the time of day. My bible study leader ended up visiting and praying with me.. THe loss of my mother is another thing that rmeinds me that i'm single.. as I have no family now. I'm praying every day that God will bring the right man.. the elusive 'one' into my life.. I don't want to wait much longer..... I just want that person who sparks love and cuddles...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Love, Lovesongs, and the feelings in between.

Watching The Office season 5 and Pam heard from her dad that Jim told him how he feels about Pam. How much he loves her. How he feels when she walks in a room. How he's constantly 100% sure that she's the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. I never want to be with somebody that doesn't feel that strongly about me.. I know that's the way love is supposed to be. I realize The Office is a tv show, however the writers are very real.. and the writers are writing based on their own understanding of how they believe love is supposed to be.. and how they know the viewer believes love is supposed to be. It makes me think that I know exactly what I want but wonder if it will actually occur for me. I want to believe so much taht it will.. but I don't know if it's something God puts togehter, or if it's just random, I don't know what it is! It's been 8 dry months with no interest in meeting anyone.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Classical - Some of my favourites that I wanted to share..

As a child I loved classical music. This came from a combination of ballets that I would watch on the ABC, and some of the original Tom and Jerry shorts from the 1940s that often incorporated classical music into them. This Hungarian piece featured in the Tom and Jerry short "Cat Concerto"
Probably better than Yohanns Waltz would be this one.. :) I especially love the music around the 7.5 minute mark..


Salvaging Home Movies from DVD to Mpeg

I recently accidentally deleted all of my home movies from my computer!
I was pretty devestated but thankfully had them backed up as watchable DVDs. I wanted to get them back onto my PC and I found this free program that made it easy and quick to rip DVDs to MPEGS.

My Favourite Things

Favourite Films

I tend to really like individual actors and be drawn towards all their films.. rather than random selections although there are some randoms

Males - John Krasinski, Christian Slater, Steve Carrell, Jim Carey, Josh Harnett, Andrew Mcarthey, Anthony Michael Hall, Steve Martin, Dan Ackroyd, Jared Leto, James Marsden, Josh Jackson, Eric Mabius, Kevin Bacon

Females - Mandy Moore, Kate Hudson, Drew Barrymore, Claire Danes, Sandra Bullock, Sigourney Weaver, Christina Ricci, Katherine Heigal, Cameron Diaz, Mariss Tomei

Licenced to Wed ,Pearl Harbour
How to Lose a guy in 10 days,
Trading Places ,How to Deal
Saved, American Dreamz
American Psycho, Heathers
16 Candles, Ferris Buellers Day Off
Dirty Dancing, Step Up
Shall We Dance, Stricly Ballroom
A Walk to Remember, Pumpkin
Bride Wars, Gossip
Resident Evil 1,2,3
Friday the 13th 1,2,3
Aliens / Alien, Uncle Buck
Home Alone 1 & 2
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Untamed Heart, Pump up the Volume
The Chumbscrubber, Weekend at Bernies
Pay it Forward, 7 Pounds
Interview with the Vampire
Raising Helen, Devil Wears Prada
Maid in Manhattan, The Running Man
Never Been Kissed
The Wedding Singer,Donny Darko

As a kid I loved Arnold Schwarzenegger until he started going in comedy films then I felt he lost some credibility as an action man.
c)Favourite Card Games - Cheat & SkipBo - Uno/Canasta / 7 Card stud Poker
d)Favourite Sports - Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Tennis
e)Favourite Music - Hmm most stuff except death metal.. thousands of musicians to list
f)Favourite Brands - Mooks, Ladakh, Seduce, Doc Martens, Converse Chucks!
g)Favourite TV Shows - Seinfeld, The Office(US version) Desperate Housewives
The Brady Bunch, South Park, Fawlty Towers, Happy Days, King of the Hill
h)Favourite Stones - Onyx, Amber, Turquoise
i)Favourite Places - Grand Canyon, Cable Beach, Grousse Mountain
(and the graffiti wall in Fremantle)
j)Likes - I love Graffiti.. it makes me happy... I find beauty in some really rundown hoodlem type areas, i love nature too
k)Favourite Smell - freshly mowed grass
l)Alone or Together - I like to be with somebody most of the time. Sometimes I like just meditating on my own, usually when I'm out walking or excersizing I'm on the phone to a friend and I love having visitors. I work at home so I spend more time alone than I'd like
m)What makes you feel loved? - Well in christian circles there is actually a book called 'the 5 love languages' and it talks about how you might feel loved when you're touched, but your partner might not, your partner might feel more loved when you wash their dishes.. and it'ss about understanding how to make the other person feel loved. pretty good book
Out of the 5 they say most people have a primary and secondary however I scored equally high on 'words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch'
(the other 2 are acts of service and gifts)
all 5 apply to all people but most people have a more dominant. the tests online and its pretty good google it!
n) What are you listening to on your iPod right now?
well does my iPhone count? I don't have an iPod lol
well I have hundreds of songs on there but the last week or so I have mostly been listening to
'Next Contestant - Nickelback'
'Starlite Singers - g6'

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Class Photo..

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Quest for Love.. and "The Vow"

Just last month, on the 3rd of August.. I spent the day in New York City.
I took photographs of random strangers, I explored the Plaza Hotel... Purchased a blueberry pie at one of the Plazas stores.. and sat alone in Central Park to eat it.. Marveling the wonderment that is new york city.. I stood on the streets for minutes that seemed like hours.. watching the pigeons gather at the horses feet.. watching the horses take graceful steps that made the birds scatter into the sky.. trying to take the perfect photo.

I can't explain why eating a $7 blueberry pie from the Plaza Hotel in Central Park was special.. I can't explain why it was a 'moment'... I can only say that it was.
I've had people ask.. 'Why did you do that?' Asking a question like that seems perplexing to me.. Isn't it obvious why I did it?? Because I wanted to.. Because something about it felt good.. Because it felt like for that moment in time.. I was making my dream a reality.. At that moment in time.. I lived in New York City.. I worked for a magazine in Manhattan.. and I ate fancy food on our late afternoon lunch dates or early dinners on the go with them in the park in our fashionable clothing.. In that moment.. I was who I wanted to be.. and living where I wanted to live.. The bird ladies of central park, the pigeons, the street venders, all where a part of my every day life.. I realize now that anybody who would ask 'Why did you do that' just simply does not share or understand or comprehend my vision... At that moment I realized.. If you do not share my vision, you probably aren't going to feel like a fit in my life.

I realized how important it is in a life partner to find somebody who has the same vision as you.. 2 lives being like 2 lead characters in a movie.. In a movie the script is written to make the 2 main characters fit together.. In such a way love should join 2 people forever in harmony.. 2 people who share a vision.

I sat down tonight to watch 'The Vow'. It had that super hot guy from 'Dear John' in it.. If you haven't seen the film, his new wife loses her memory after a car accident. She doesn't remember her husband, and he gives up every part of his life and every effort of his soul to make her fall in love with him again..
This is the only way that love should be. The bible itself even says that a wife should be like the church, and the groom like Jesus.. Willing to die for the one that he loves. I've seen so many relationships that could be described only as a crock. Relationships where slashing each other apart and tearing each other down where the norm. Cheating, criticizing, living separate lives.. I sit here wondering.. For me a life without this kind of love is not worth living. To live a life without thta one person loving you is a fate worse than death.. worse than a horror film. I realize now that so many women (christian especially) don't actually understand this need in me.. Perhaps they themselves are happy to live lives alone.. Where they don't really matter to anyone.. Or perhaps they matter to so many people that one missing from their life will go unnoticed..
I am in neither of those categories.. I grew up alone, and even now I'm not sure which of my friends (if any) are in it for the long haul.. Some have let me down.. Some have left my life and come back.. Some I would like to 'break up' with but haven't gotten around to it.. After all, what if I couldn't replace them?
What if I got rid of the old dress full of holes and couldn't find another to replace it? Then I'd be left with a bigger hole in the wardrobe than before..
I can't relate to these women. These women that say 'ask yourself why you want love'.. I can't relate to them, and evident-ally their questions show they can't relate to me..

I live constantly trying to pretend I don't have this fear that almost swallows me hole. A fear that I will end up alone.. Half of my parents and all of my siblings chose not to be a part of my life from when I was a tiny child.. Having a strange mother and being a loud and free thinking child left me alone in my childhood.. For most of my life, there has been no family.. and no friends.. This is just one more reason that finding 'the one' is so important to me.. the more I watch movies like this, the more tears I shed.. wondering 'will it ever happen to me'.. I don't want to pretend to love somebody.. I've tried that before.. I don't want to be with somebody who is pretending to love me.. I've been down that road too.
My non christian girlfriends often suggest 'you're too picky' but you're giving your life to that person.. You don't find 'the one' by saying 'well I don't really like you but I'll force myself to'. It might work for some people, but to me that is a fate worse than being alone.

Every day I am forced to look in the mirror.. I look in the mirror, and I'm forced to face the eyes of a little girl whos older sisters and brother didn't want her.. whos male biological parent didn't want her.. and largely through life has dated, been rejected by, and had broken friendships with other people who didn't want her.
I see somebody who has continually been told by people that she's a disappointment, and is still being told by people that she's a disappointment.. I've always thought I was great.. but I've always wondered.. if I'm so great why doesn't somebody else see it.. and I've always acknowledged that whether I think I'm great or not isn't relevant if the world things I'm annoying, a nuisance, loud, and overbearing..

That brings me back to the original thought.. Is there anybody who will share my vision.. Is there such a thing as a soul mate.. I have friends who don't believe in soul mates.. They believe you can be compatible with many people and make a successful life long relationship with many.. That makes me feel like even more of a reject.. If there's many for some.. why isn't there any for me?

I have to juggle hope against uncertainty.. and it's like pushing a boulder uphill.. Every day that I am alone.. I shed tears.. Tears that nobody sees.. Tears I don't get to share.. Tears that make my cat purr. Tears that leave a sore ache that never goes away..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Silly things christians say to singles

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making Music

Loop Programs Free Garageband Alternatives

Friday, August 31, 2012

Useful Computer Programs

Convert Audio Video files to other extensions or .exe files. Make Jpegs to Video DVD Author Spybot, Adaware, AVG Antivirus, Avast antivirus, Windows Defender/Microsoft Defender, AdAware, Spy Doctor

Monday, June 18, 2012

To believe or not to believe.. that is the question...

Let me start by clarifying that this post is about both friendship and romantic love.. faith in people, faith in impending happiness.. Fear of impending doom.

I've found what frustrates me most is that people will say anything to get you to shut up, smile, and momentarily stop worrying.. "You'll find the one.." "you're not meant to be alone..."
If somebody ends up alone.. you'll find people making all sorts of excuses for why this happened.. "They probably didn't try" but if you tell them that's not the case, they'll say "well they must have tried too hard"....
At a seminar I went to that was held at a church... a woman got up and shared her story.. Her story of miscarriage upon miscarriage.. the many comments of so called well meaning people, telling her the miscarriaged didn't matter.. and something she said during her talk, was that "those of us who have a struggle, are trying to keep a balance between hope and despair..."


I really don't know where I sit on that scale.. You see.. my mother is dead.. my male biological parent was never a part of my life.. by his choice, and my sisters and brother chose not to be a part of my life either.. being over a dozen years older than me.. I grew up alone.. with my Mother.. completely isolated from people besides those that I saw at school.
I never had friends at school.. On the recipient end of much bullying.. school was a nightmare for me.. My mother and sister would say that it's when you go to college that you 'get friends' or in the workplace is where you'd find your wonderful true soulmates.. but this hasn't happened for me either...

From a young age their has been a lingering thought that I wouldn't make it into my mid thirties...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You know some people tell me that the friendships on television aren't real.. It's just television.. but that couldn't be further from the truth. Where does television come from? As a writer myself, I can tell you that writers write from experience.. Many years ago I stated that I wanted to write a book called... "The Anti Friendship Book - When Familiarity Breeds Contempt" Each chapter was going to be a short story of it's own merit. Some where going to be my stories.. Some where going to be other peoples stories shared with me (with names changed) for the book sake.. This year for me has been an exodus.. An exodus of friends walking out of my life for various reason.. and just like my youth.. some of those reasons are crazy. Would you believe I once lost a friend because we had a fight over pronunciation? And when I was 19, my "best friend" slept with my other best friend who I thought I was in love with.. hence ending both friendships.. Ultimately my life has taught me one loud screaming message.. "Do not trust people." I've had my share of female friends who are only around when they're single, to friends who treat you in a way that you don't want to accept.. but you let them because you're trying to figure the answers.. Let's come back to that thought.. The book was going to be short stories.. Some a half page, some pages upon pages long.. Each would start with the characters meetings, their relationship blooming.. and the demise of the friendship.. and then anything crazy that happened afterwards. Amazingly enough, years after I started planning my idea I found a book by Liz Prior.. titled 'What Did I Do Wrong? - When Women Don't Tell Eachother The Friendsip is Over'. In the book Liz writes her own stories, and shares other womens about friendships that have mysteriously ended. She had a best friend who was her own bridesmaid, and shortly before the best friend got married, she did a disappearing act. I remember the day I saw the book on Amazon.. excitedly yelling inside 'THAT'S MY BOOK!' and I was bursting to recieve it. I submitted my own story to Liz at some point.. but since 2012 has been a new mass exodus of "friends" from my life.. (and I'm using the term semi loosely) I've decided that I am going to write the book afterall. Instead of writing it in a novel format, I'm going to write it in blog format. Each destroyed friendship is going to be a blog post of it's own.. Some will be my own stories.. Others will be stories given to me by others.. I will also be blogging my relationship and or dating failures as their own stories since most of them are reminiscent of Melrose Place. Like I've said before, The Bible says 'to have a friend is to be a friend' however my own experience has been.. To be a friend is to be used as a driver.. a driver for the one with kids and no car, a driver for the drunk who wants a free ride.. To b e a friend is to be ditched in a club by a friend on a date.. To be a friend is to be lied to or have people not make the effort to come to your birthday party. To be a friend is to listen to the patronising dramas and statemets saying 'oh we'll be there for you'.. hollow.. hollow.. hollow... I hope to build up a blog following.. and I hope to recieve your anti friendship stories too. xoxo Over and Out.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Done with friends, done with people.. done with you.

I've had to ask myself this question many times. What is it about me, that attracts people who treat me in a way that makes me sad. Having my confidences broken, makes me sad... Having friends that either make me do all the visiting their homes, and they never come to my home, or who expect me to call them, and they never call me.. makes me sad... Having friends who cancel on me last minute, makes me sad.. Having friends who ditch me in a club that I didn't even want to go to, and then leave me driving around the city for hours on end not knowing what has happened, makes me sad.. Having friends who disregard my feelings so much that they won't even show up to my birthday party.. makes me sad.. Having "friends" who won't even hit "like" on my business page, makes me sad.. Doing photographs for friends.. or should I say, "friends" and not even getting a single 'thank you these are great' or even 'thank you' makes me sad... Having a friend promise to help me with something I really need a hand with, and not show up or contact me at all to say they are not going to show up also makes me sad... It's important to me in friendships that I'm not the only person doing the calling, the visiting, and the giving of myself. There is a saying 'to have a friend is to be a friend first' but I just don't see that as true for me. So many times I invite people over, and they don't come, or they say my apartment is not enjoyable enough for them.. So many times I have people only call me because they want photographs. Sunday I had 2 "friends" not show up at all for me. The first was one who promised to help me with the bridal expo, and never showed up.. I texted her, called her, but she turned her phone off and ignored me.. Since then has been status updating how much fun she's having with other friends on her facebook.. The other was supposed to come over at night and never showed. I just want a couple of good girlfriends who don't make me feel crap about myself.. and the fact that this seems so difficult to find makes me wonder what is wrong with myself. There must be something wrong with me that I just can't find a nice girl friend to accept me for me.. who sees what is going on in my world as important, and who talks to me about what is going on in her world. This year has been a huge exodus for me.. One friendship ending after another.. and I've just reached the point where I only have 2 left.. and neither of them are in Australia.. Nobody knows how many tears I cry every week, every month, every year. Few know what it's likke to have not a soul to talk to. To go to concerts alone.. because you can't find a single friend to go with.. To go to a bar with a girl you can't stand, becuase you coudlnt find a friend you actually liked to go with you. To sit alone at church, week after week.. watching the happy families.. watching the 'bffs' hug eachother through the service.. Looking at the 2 girls from Sweden who are backpacking Australia together, however I had to travel alone.. Never being able to look forward to Christmas, because you don't have a family of your own, and you are tired of the ambarrassment of explaining to the 'good smaratians' family why you're at their family do on christmas day.. and well.. there's nothing to look forward to.. it's all gone. Theres so much hurt I have built up inside.. The friend who lives streets away, but refuses to help out by feeding my cats, the guy friend who ends the friendship because I won't date who he thinks I should date, and starts trying to pitch people against me? The girl who just ditches me and doesn't even bother to text me to say where she's gone and disappears... letting me waste hours of time looking for her, The friend who guilts me into lending her cds and then scratches them and loses the box, The friend who loses my gear and then doesn't want to replace it, and the friend who tells me 'you really need to get over your mothers death' The friend who says they really aren't interested in coming to my party, even though it's important to me, the friends who personally attack me because I don't feel teh way they feel on some of lifes topics.. The friend who I let stay with me for free, who met the love of their life through me, and then dumped on me and didn't even invite me to the wedding? Makes me feel really good! The sadness of being picked last on the baseball team, of being asked to come out just because they need an extra number in the group, the sadness of having nowhere to go at chrsitmas, the sadness of gettings crewed over.. it seems i have nobody left. I know i have the choice.. the cholice of keeping people in my life who treat me in a way that makes me feel bad.. or the choice to move on and pray... I don't know what my choie is.. but I float between wanting to be like Melanie Hamilton, and just seeing the good in people no matter what.. but I find myself with friends who don't value me.. (spreading rumours) my time (not showing up or texting) and just treating me poorly.. I can't keep subjecting my heart to it anymore, and have been considering my options. Interpret that as you like.. I'm sad and unsure where to go from here... and that is for sure. 2012.. the official exodus of every friend on the books!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prophesies and such...

I'm going to blog the prophesies that have been spokn over me

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Madeline Alexanders affirmation positive thinking message

To achieve your goals you must say it and believe it.
What you mentally believe will manifestMould your mindset and speak your success. Tell yourself who you are, and that you are well 
able to accomplish your goals.
Believe in yourself to be successful
In relationships remove the internal critic that 
tells you you're going to fail again because of 
the last time
If you're sturggling to lose weight as you have 
in the past, let go of the record that says 'you 
won't do it this time'When we play these old messages we limit 
ourselves if we let these thoughts inhabit our mind.Rewrite your mental soundtrack for success.
Recognise the 'language of limits' in yoru mind. Learn awareness to be aware of what you are 
saying to yourself every day.
Be attentive to your thoughts.What are you saying to yourself and what is in 
your soundtrack of self talkThe language of limits reenforces doubt, fear, 
mediocrity. Language that causes you to 
procrastinate. Different limitations that can come up. Expose them and remove them
"when a negative thought comes to mind about your personal power, you must combat that with 
Self talk is a replaying soundtrack.
The people we surround ourself with, and the people and things that we input into our mind, 
can limit our self esteem, self image, they can replay over and over. Be picky about who you 
allow to speak into your life.
God wants us to triumphso the story isn't over when things look bad :)So much of our negative self talk comes from us believing that we have to achieve on our own.We don't have the strength on our own but we 
have the power of God. He is all powerful in us.
use the power of the Bibles words and bulldoze the negativity in your mindset.
not 'positive affirmations' but God affirmationsGod is powerful enough to get rid of everything 
bad from your life. Accomplish your dreams and goals by getting 
yourself in alignment with what the word of God 
says. No plan can succeed against the Lord.When we're steadfast in God we can achieve all 
of our desires. Meditate in the word of God day 
and night. Speak it over yourself and bulldoze 
the negativity in your subconcs1ious.

LET IT GO! 1-14-2013 The Breakthrough Morning Show with The Power Coach™
Walk in the full favour full blessing of the Lord... Operate in a power mindset.. When we are walking in the power and annoiting of God He makes us rich and success in every area.
That doesn't man we don't have challenges, it doesn't mean we won't walk througha  storm, but God is with us and always causes us to triumph.
What are you holding onto that is holding you back?
Toxic or dry relationship?
Mediocre job?
Procrastination on goals?

DESTROY ALL DOUBT! 12-10-2012 The Breakthrough Morning Show with The Power Coach
BEST LIFE is a blessed life
Gods intention is to live out the God plan for our life. Every blessing he manifests in our life is connected to our mission assignment.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Necessary Endings

Tim Healy - Endings
3 types of endings.. and endings are essential for growth
decided endings - endings we initiate - friendships, bad habits, relationships that need to end / circumstance changesd
dictated endings - loss of job, divorce, ending you don't choose - get fired etc
divine endings -= endings caused by god. god takes away the first so He may establish the 2nd