The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Diary Notes and Prophetic Words

My old diary is quite sloppy so wanted to copy out the important stuff from there.

hoping to find notes on the prophesies I got in 2012

"your life should be your ministry" - spending time with people their 'fruits' should be apparent.

Michelle Mckinney Hammond page 36 - would God treat me the way this person is treating me? If not then leave the situation.

Hurt people hurt people - beware vulnerable people who are quite possibly likely to pass their past hurts onto you if they havn't dealt with them.

Phil 2 Ambition should not be selfish but to bless others to please Christ.

Metrochurch Sermon FEAR november 20th 2012
Rebekah Prosser
Kill the fear monster. Some of us work hard to reach a leavel of enjoyment beyond fear. Fear pretends to be your freind. It comes as a friend and neighbour. Ask Jesus to help you cast your anxietites onto Him.

Fruit of the spirit
love, joy, peace.. seek primarily
Gal 5

2Tim 1.7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and sound mind.
If your mind is seeking things to fear, you will find it. If your mind is radared to positive exciting things then you will find them.

December 2011 praying for a lot of wisdom and patience and discernment.

November 13th 2011 was prayed for at Metro church and the lady said 'I feel God is saying you need to trust Him about this relationship" - I was praying for God to close the door if that person wasn't the right person..
I was also racking up a list of things that I wasn't ok with...
Not intentionally, there was so much I was not ok with. No matter how hard I tried to just see the good, it was flooded with bad. (unresolved feelings for past girlfriend)
Undated diary prayers 'Seeking Gods will..' - he then started crossing deal breaker lines.. The more I prayed the more this person disappointed me. God removed them from my life 5 days before Christmas 2011.


End well to begin well

Sometimes God ends relationships we are not meant to be in, or jobs we are not meant to be at, or things that are stopping us reaching our destiny, so that we can find the job, person, destiny we are supposed to find in A NEW BEGINNING
A season comes to an end for a new one to begin.
Endings are a natural part of life.

Friendships, Relationships, Financial Commitments.. different things can be decided endings..

Rock Church San Diego.. Love Series November 2012
Focus on Peace, Joy, Fullfillment.
It is the job of a real man to find his woman, pursue her, and capture her heart.
Focus like Jesus on doing Gods will and being Christ like.
Don't be distracted by the apetisers the world sends you. God always has a main meal on the horizon.
Discontent leads to the land of 'do it yourself'

RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regret
do not want to regret not doing something because you were afraid to take the risk.
God calls people out of their present to lead them to a better future.
If the horse you are driving is dead.. dismount


After 3 days of prayer relationship with Josh ended.
Despite ending Josh said that he felt he could never trust a girl because every girl had lied and broken his trust.
He said I anhilated his reservations about trusting girls. So despite things not working out, he was glad for the experience since it 'cured' his fear of trusting girls.
Again 3 days of praying that if it wasn't Gods will God would close the door



Ecclesiasties a time to seize.. a time for everything.
Risk / Regret
People are afraid.. we often look so regretfully at the closed door but fail to see the opportunity before us'

January 2012. Focusing on praying for God to make me confident, loving, giving, amazing and communicative.

August 23 2012 - So amazing to look back on the journal and see love felt and lost. Attachment and pushyness from another person can be confused with love. Somettimes memories hurt us.
September 2012 journalling about having lost my mother for 3 years and the things that I'm thinking and feeling about it, and all the goals that I cannot control in my life.. Asking God to take reign on them and help the situation etc.

August 2011 began attending Metro Church and getting regular prayer over relationships and finances. Praying God would open financial doors, help me reach targets, and close the door for wrong guys who would attempt to come into my life

Mid 2012 liked somebody - God closed the door quickly. WOOT

All notes October 2012 consistent with 'pray without ceasing' pray without ceasing.. embrace the endings God brings. Prayed with my bible study leader Kerry - crying about the 3 year anniversary of my mothers death and praying for the right person to come into my path so that I could one day have my own family.. it it is Gods will

Monday the 19th of November, I prayed for an extra $5000 income for January.
Mid Jan I got an extra $4300 income

September 21 2012
Very amazing passage in my digital journal
Here is an excerpt.. hahaha Looks like a few months later the main friendship that I wanted to end has ended.
""""""""""""""I am in neither of those categories.. I grew up alone, and even now I'm not sure which of my friends (if any) are in it for the long haul.. Some have let me down.. Some have left my life and come back.. Some I would like to 'break up' with but haven't gotten around to it.. After all, what if I couldn't replace them?
What if I got rid of the old dress full of holes and couldn't find another to replace it? Then I'd be left with a bigger hole in the wardrobe than before..
I can't relate to these women. These women that say 'ask yourself why you want love'.. I can't relate to them, and evident-ally their questions show they can't relate to me..

......I don't want to pretend to love somebody.. I've tried that before.. I don't want to be with somebody who is pretending to love me.. I've been down that road too."""""""""""""""""

June 11 2012 I wrote a large blog post about how I was unhappy with a friendship and wanted it to end. That friendship ended this month or las

Thursday, December 29, 2011
If Real Love Exists, It's Going to Have to Break my Nose

2012 Jan prophetic word at Metrochurch.. that I need to read even just one line from the bible per day
2nd prophesy
that it will take a while for 'the one' to come into my life because God will have somebody who is a fit for my unique personality type, that it will take longer than many people because they'll fit.

Sep 11 2011 Kelly Chisholm
A faithless friend is like an ass.. We don't just need friends. We need faithful friends then a friend facing challenges do you help them or do you say you have problems of your own? Do you do the bare minimum or all out?
do you stand up for your friend or silently listen?
Have you messed up plans to help a friend? Do people confide in you knowing it will go no further?


There are opportunities to be faithful everyday

PROVERBS 14 a friend who ignores you in hard times will be excluded from your good times.



*** Sep 2011 praying to God about the desires of my heart.
a person who really desires to do Gods will, who is not judgemental and has life experience and a life and doesn't live in a 'bubble'
Somebody who makes me laugh, who laughs at my jokes. Sombody who loves animals and is charismatic.

Was prayed for for healing over past hurts. They asked if anyone was struggling with an issue preventing them moving forward to come and be prayed over. I went for prayer.
When the pastor was praying for somebody else he said that God has a plan for all of us. That we're not just part of a general plan, but that God as a specific plan for all of us. I don't remember if he mentioned insecurities or uncertainty about the future to me or everyone.
but he'd only asked 'everyone' to join in prayer about 2 other people.
He asked everyone to join in prayer.
1) I feel like there is a real lineage, from parents or grandparents
2) you are forgiven, christ is setting you free of that burden. you are forgiven
3) you have a real feeling of 'I'm not worthy'.. none of us are worth
40 you are beauttiful
5)prayer for a good nights sleep and for the nightmares to finish. a girl then approached me and began to pray for me and I heard her praying that I was beautiful and capable and I heard her say the word family..
6) I feel like you have been 'half living'

Prophecy from the metro church lady.
'on the verge of something, under spiritual attack because.....'
'you have a lot of friends weighing you down who need to leave your life... let them...
Tonights sermon was for you.. (Geoff had said to pray for who comes into your life)

Pastor Josh (above) from Sydney was praying for that lineage to be broken forever..

PASTOR JOSH - YA retreat
do not despise small beginnings. God does more for us behind our back than in front of our face..
He felt some people are hitting closed doors.
When you don't get negative about the journey, during breakthrough - people notice.
Do not despise the day of small beginnings..
Put aside old mindsets
"God what you started, I'm going to wait for you to finish'
Romans 8 - dwell on spirit. Fear the Lord not man.
When you feel depressed or anxious, keep praising God.
What God has started He will bring into completion.

March 25th Geoff Woodwood Ecc 4.9
Two are better than one for they recieve greater reward for their toil.'
Before joining with somebody 1) agree on purpose. 2) mind to work (galations.. equal yoke.) 3) overcome conflict

Girls should pray for the heart of their future husband.. pray that if he is in a relationship with the wrong person that it ends. Pray that if he is making mistakes with his life that god makes it right.

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