The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Powerful Sermons

PSGW Power of Believing - Joel Osteen
power is only activated when we believe. Healing. Restoration. Favor. Promotion. Abundance.
Sometimes God puts a promise in our heart that sounds unbelievable..
'You will be healed' 'You will start a business' 'You will get married'
Instead of talking yourself out of it.. Respond like Mary when she was told she would be with child, and tell
the Lord you believe.
Joel uses the example of when Jesus was 'late' getting to the ltitle girl who needed healing. Jesus told them they needed only to believe. When we face situations that seem impossible, God says the same thing to us
"If you will only believe, I will turn the situation around'
1 Chron 28.20 Don't be discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord your God is with you and He will see to it that it is finished completely." when you believe.. God will help it get finished. God will move the wrong people out of the way, going before you,

Joel Osteeen - God is in control

Joel Osteen - Explosive Blessings are Coming Your Way
sometimes God gives you things you have never dreamed of. As long as you are doing your best to honor God, and have a heart to help others, there is no telling what God will do in your life.
Be faithful with what you have and show God that you can be trusted.

Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness 1/2
everything God asks us to do is for our benefit

Joyce Meyer - Trusting God When You Don't Understand 
- stop asking God why he made you the way you are and like yourself
Romans 9.. clay doesnt question potter
God is bigger than our questions
tell God you trust Him rather than question Him.
Tell God that you trust Him and love Him and that you know He loves you and that all things work for the greater good..

Joyce Meyer - The Power of Simple Prayer (4)
don't ignore God when it's good then beg when it's bad

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