The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit - Notes

I'm listening to a sermon series by Jason Hamlin

"Experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit"
It's a 6 cd series, and I'm just going to write basic notes that help me retain what he's talking about, and maybe share it with anyone who may find it helpful.

I've been coming up against some 'arguementative christians' lately. Christians who want to claim that I'm reading the bible wrong, or christians that just 'want to fight' - My first thoughts when I meet these people are 'Wow. Do you want us all to look crazy?' and B) 'A house divided cannot stand..' - I think many overlook that scripture.

So Jason begins by talking about churches fighting, and how none of the churches in his local of Tulsa Oklahoma can agree on anything.. He talks about people trying to discourage others and so fourth.. He talks about christians making excuses when somebody isn't healed saying 'maybe God inflicted the disease' and then he pointed out that people (who are evil) would never give a child a disease to teach them a lesson so why would God...
He also talks about churches who try to lie and say that the spiritual giftings were only applicable thousands of years ago, and targets those people.

He talks about everyone having the 'annointing' when they're saved, but not everyone catching onto it.. How some people get overwhelmed by circumstance because they aren't 'tuning in' to the Holy Spirits promptings.
The next point he makes is the 'guidance' the Holy Spirit gives people.. He talks about The Holy Spirit guiding people out of bad business deals before they occur... and then he goes on to address dating..

He said when he saw the woman he married for the first time the 'annointing' made him instantly recognise that that was the woman he was going to marry. He said that the devil will send people accross your path that 'appear' like the one, and try to convince us, but when you're tuned into the Holy Spirit you will recognised the annointing words.

The Holy Spirit will lead you in all things. People, relationships, finance, destiny, workplace The Holy Spirit will lead you in all things..

Some people sit around praying about who they should help.. But as a christian it is our OBLIGATION to feed the poor.. It is not our obligation to evaluate their situation etc.. It's not our responsibility to say 'oh maybe they'll spend it on alcohol' etc...

Many people pray for somebody who may not get healed before them and so they stop praying for healing for people.  You get tired of giving and not seeing anything so you stop giving, and most people don't try fasting.
When you spend time with the Holy Spirit He will prompt you to pray for particular people etc.
The Holy Spirit is as much God as Jesus Christ is and people need to be utilizing him more.
We need to expect and listen to the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us loudly to each detail.

Ask the Holy Spirit what is wrong with you.
He will respond to that right away, and He's going to tell you, you need to make it past that point before the Holy Spirit will tell you other things. The Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Jesus was teaching the spiritually dead, so He had to speak in parables. The Holy Spirit can give you revelation inside your human spirit.

Pray about Bible school
Pray about marriage
Pray about your calling
Pray about what job you are supposed to do

The passage about 'wide is the road that leads to destruction and many find it. Narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and few find it" (matthew) Most people believe that is a salvation scripture. Jason Hamlin says this is not a salvation scripture, it is a destiny scripture. (Matthew) The wide path is the flesh. The narrow path is the cross. There is a road the Holy SPirit wants to get you on to inrease the annointing on your life on a daily basis'
God is moving in arabic nations, but it's hard for God to find people that are willing to go all out for him for those kinds of miracles to occur.

when people speak hate against you, and you still just feel love for them and pray for them.
You feel no annoyance, no bitterness, no hatred or anger, that is when you're in line with walking in Gods love, and that is when God will use you.



CD 2 
An arabic woman who had fed Jason a year earlier was in ICU flatlining.. He prayed for her over and over. She died in front of him. He was full of questions to God. (just like when my mother died cept that wasn't in front of me)
- Jason began a personal question hunt for God. He has seen hundreds of miracles both through his own hands and others. He told God he wanted to go higher, he wanted to see cripples healed, he wanted to see the deaf hear and the blind see. He wanted to raise the dead.

God wants to empower the body for the work of the ministry.
The Holy Spirits role is to guide us into truth.
Jason talks about how he learned not all christians are nice, and he naively shared his vision with other people, only to have them speak doubt, negativity, and so fourth into his life. He discovered that there are many unbelieving believers.. He had other 'Christians" trying to tear apart his vision...
"to those that want to decieve you" - Jason would question 'why would a fellow believer want to decieve me?'
'The annointing teaches you concerning all things.. That same annointing is true and is not a lie and just as it has taught you you will abide in Him" - Jason says in this scripture John is reffering to people including other christians that may lead you astray.

If you're born again you have that annointing on the inside of you that will guide you and will not lie.
When people come and try to give false hope, lead you astray, and lie.. Gods 'red light' should flash.
We need teachers and there will always be teachers but the annointing should guide you away from deception.
WHen you pray for somebody and they die it's easy to second guess if you are called to ministry, or Gods will for them to be healed.. That's why it's important to stay focused on God

Some people make excuses.. and say "I'll pray about if I should help the poor guy or not" Jason believes if you are questioning *if* you should help the poor, the unsaved, etc, then he would really question your salvation.

**I know so many people would be enraged with this preaching but I think it's awesome!
"when you start making right choices, wrong people will leave your life"

Jason quotes John Bevere saying that when God grows you it's slow growth.. It's not rapid..He said if he'd had his way he would have been in ministry 5 years earlier but had to just obey God little step by little step.. til he got there..

The Holy Spirit works on you slowly and PREPARES YOU = and it's the people closest to you on your right and your left (in the church) and 'parking lot prophetics' who will try to get you off the path of doing Gods will for your life!

He shared that when a little girl asked him to pray for her because she was deaf in one ear.. his instant reaction or thought process was 'well you know what happened or didn't happen when you prayed for that lady' and he felt discouraged, but he prayed for the little girl and she was healed. Her hearing came back.

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