The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires"

So I was having a chat to a friend. She has many visions in her life that are as big as the ones that I have. She is very connected to God, and I think maybe she is overlooked by some. I was crying about everything that was overwhelming me in life.. Each area of life is overwhelming right now.. There seems to be 48 hours of things to achieve in every 24 hour period. She had to go to her next class but told me to just open the bible on the first page it fell on, and read and pray and listen for God, and allow God to speak to me. Well, I was hoping for something in depth and philosophical but the Bible fell open on chapter 1 of Song of Songs aka Song of Solomon. For anyone who knows the content of Song of Songs, you'd know it's the sort of book that's most likely (in my opinion) going to leave a single person frustrated. My instant reaction was that I wanted to read something else. As somebody who is about to finish her 13th month single, reading Song of Solomon is definitely not what I want to be doing. I'm a wedding photographer which means that other peoples 'love' is in my face all the time. I don't want to read about it in the Bible! A kid who can't have a slice of cake doesn't want to look at pictures of cake! I've always avoided the book of Song of Songs for this reason.. When I have been in relationships, they certainly haven't ever felt the sort of connectivity that is described in Song of Songs.. I was raised by a single mother who was more than a little cynical about love, and the trust-ability of others.. I was definitely not encouraged to read this part of the Bible. Despite my desire against reading it, I figured I would read it since my friend did say to just read from where the page fell open. In the book 'Beloved' is the female, and 'Lover' is the male.. She says 'my lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi" - According to A Jewish scholar named Rashni believed that the henna flowers refer to the metaphor of absolution and forgiveness. Henna helped protect the vulnerable crops in Israel amongst other countries. The use of the term in context of the 'beloved' from this interpretation would be to explain one who provides shelter and protection. The page didn't really have contextual explanations as to where this comes from, however the NIV study bible notes write 'Henna, a shrub of Palestine (perhaps the cypress) with tightly clustered, aromatic blossoms. En Gedi. An oasis watered by a spring, located on the west side of the Dead Sea. David sought refuge there from King Saul (1sa24.1) Then the Lover goes on to say 'Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens.' The beloved goes on to say 'Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men' 'I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste' I reflected on this momentarily. Then I continued to read.. I reflected upon the significance of how much passion is in those sentences. They aren't said lightly, and they aren't lightly worded sentences. Then I came across 'do not awaken love before it so desires' So what does this mean? I googled it and found this website. The site goes to say "First off, what is God talking about when he says do not arouse or awaken love? How does this happen? I mean seriously we’ve all been told that we “fall” in love. But the only way to fall off a cliff is to walk along the edges. So to fall in love means we are walking along the edges of it. When the Lord tells us not to awaken love until it so desires, it means we aren’t supposed to walk along the cliff until the time is right. When is that time and how we do we know that it’s that time?" The website goes on to say that the rate of divorce for people who get married before the age of 25 is 36% - 25-30 is 16% and 30+ is only 8% The website states that people who live at home with their parents are not truely their own person yet. They're not able to function without the influence of their parents. This is interesting becaues at 17, I lived at home, and my best friend used to tell me all the time that I couldn't really be my own person truely while I lived at home. I would argue the point with him all the time!> The website goes on to say that when we move forward without God, the following occurs.. "When we do that love awakens as immature and ill-prepared to handle the ups and downs of life. Love can’t sustain itself. Think of an orchid, there is a way to flick the petals where they open pre-maturely, it’s beautiful but it also withers sooner than it would have if it had opened during a natural progression of time. Just as that orchid can’t be closed again, love can’t be put back to sleep once it’s aroused. God is crying out to his daughters in these passages that we need to wait for correct timing. Everything done in order and timing thrives. Love birthed in correct timing is lasting. God isn’t being a party pooper, instead he is saving you a hurt, pain and a broken heart. Take heed to what he is saying and let him guide you through the process of love." It's interesting becaues For the last few months since I think before Christmas I was reading a book called 'Choosing Gods Best' - I bought it last year after a breakup, but have been culling books I don't read so decided to read it.. It's a doctrinally good book about types of guys to avoid, and situations to avoid and so fourth, but a recent trip to the bible bookstore found me in the relationship book section again, to purchase the book 'God is a matchmaker' I have read many parts of this book so far and all argue the same thing.. That God 'tells you' who you will marry.. Now I've heard pastors speak out against this in sermons, and I've also heard people in church say it happened to them.. Does this mean we don't date? Or does this mean we wait til God 'tells us' to date? Are we waiting for a conviction? Or are we waiting for a burning bush? Well I've had some people at church recently tell e to 'proceed' with life unless God tells me not to... In my current situation.. (single for 13 months) I've reached an odd road point. Single, not dating, but feeling a definate warning not to look right now. I feel God is telling me not to look at any dating websites or log into the dating websites that I'm a member of. I'm used to checking my profiles or inboxes every day.. but I feel God has been extremely specific in this instance.. The interesting factor is I'm completely single! Normally I would keep trying to get to know guys that may potentially be interesting, until I reach a point where I'm exclusive with a guy, but this time I am single completely and feeling like God is telling me 100% that I'm not to log into my dating profiles. Is this linked to the scripture I just stumbled accross? I'm not sure.. but I'm going to pray with more proclaming focus. A family who loves the Lord is much stronger than a single person loving the Lord.

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