The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Sermons for your future!

Joel Osteen
I will make mountains move

(I heard this before from another pastor in the last month or so)
If you're going to make mountains move, you have to talk to the mountains.
Instead of begging God to take sickness from your body, command the sickness to leave.
"fear I command you to leave, I will not allow you in my life"

God chose to use mountains to represent our problem, Mountains are big, they seem permanant like they will be there forever.. Your situation may look like it will never change.. addictions, fears, lack of accomplishments.. God wants you to speak to the mountains to discover they are not permanant. Cast off sickness, depression..
If you're going to see a mountain move, you need to start talking to it.
When you speak words of faith, something happens in the unseen realm.
"depression will not take your destiny" "sickness will not take your life"
stand strong on your faith. Nothing can stand against God.
When you speak and you do not doubt, the mountain will be removed..
(to walk on water, you have to step out of the boat)

David didn't focus on the size of the mountain (goliath)
He focused on the size of his God


Let there be abundance in my finances
Let there be abundance in my health
Let their be healing right now
Let there be blessings in my future

Joel Osteen - Expecting Far and Beyond Favor

we grow in difficult times. That is when faith is stretched and character is developed.
Without those things you would not be ready for the things that God has in store..
Let go of self pity or baggage from the past. You cannot expect Gods goodness in your future while you drag around the past (Lots wife :) )
This difficulty will not stop me, it will promote me.
Bad things that happen can be used by God for you to be lifted up. "I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living" - David
"I am confident I will see Gods goodness"
When we think of our future there should be a bubbling enthusiams.. constantly looking for Gods goodness.

Deautoronomy - when you live a life that obeys God, blessings will chase you.. 
Let go of everything that is holding you back from God being our number 1 priority.

Psalms - God has blessings stored up for those that honour him

Believe this is the decade that you are going to find yourself in the right place at the right time
This is the decade that you iwll speak prosperity into your life
God is going to take you amazing places
Children returnin home that parents have been praying for.
People meeting spouses they've been praying for
New opportunities opening up
Hidden dreams from your heart being answered.

Your mind will say 'this is never going to happen to you' God will tell you 'this is Gods dream for your life. This is going to happen for you'
"Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord is upon you"

PSGW Power of Believing - Joel Osteen
if you believe you can fill your destiny
if you believe, you can move forward from mistakes from the past
what you believe is greater than what medical reports say

'the incredible greatness of Gods power when you blieve. The power is only activated when we believe!'
God is waiting to deliver healing, restoration, deliverance, abundance.. we just have to believe (like Mary)

Sometimes God puts a promise in your heart that seems impossible.....
every negative situation.. God is using in your favour.1 chron 28.20 don't be discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord God is with you. He will see to it that it is finished compeltely.

Joel Osteen
Mar 4 - Joel Osteen - Power of Your Visions

- there are times when your dreams appear to not be coming to pass..
(reminds me of when I was a teenager.. I had the same vision of my future that I have today but unfortunately a discouraging mother and a lack of encouraging friends totally stuffed that right up.. had my life halted by anguish for 5 years..)

When our vision is negative our life is going to go into that direction. Don't sit around in self pity.
Get rid of disappiontments to get a new vision. People who leave your life, leave your life for a reason. If they left your life then nothing you could have done would have made them stay. They left becaues they didn't belong.
Visualisations are everything.. (this is why I have a 'dreams and aspirations' folder ;) )

Don't negotiate fears of failure. Nobody else is going to believe in you unless YOU BELIEVE IN YOU!

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