The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

"Do not awaken Love" - Song of Solomon Pt2

So continuing on from yesterdays post, when I googled the meaning of this chapter, quite a lot of websites about it came up. Another website I thought I'd share was this one titled "Wooing, Waiting, and Winning' I really loved the following excerpt from the page.. It talks about the importants of a woman being under the submission of her man. It states that the references to 'in his shade' refer to both being under the submission, but being sheltered by his protection and his provision of the woman. I think that in modern society even some christians are losing site of this. It's always the mans job to lead, provide, and be the spiritual guider. What does this mean for you? It essentially means a lot of things! Remembering that women are called to respect their man, this means you must choose a man who is easy to respect. A woman can respect a man when he is more wise, more caring, more spiritually connected, and able to lead and obey God in this department. The excerpt I wanted to share is this. "2:3-5: Now the Shulammite speaks at length. We could call this section “What women want”, and the biblical version is much better than the Hollywood one. “I delight to sit in his shade”. Girls, do you like to do that? Perhaps you’ve got a real battle here, because you don’t really like being in the shade sometimes, you want to be in charge – and this is all part of the problem going back to the fall. But God has designed women to sit in the shade – not in the sense that men dominate, but in the sense that her man is to protect her from the harsh desert sun. He provides for her (“He has taken me to the banquet hall”), loves her (v4), he strengthens her (v5), he gives her support and care (v6). That’s what women want! At least, that’s what godly women want, isn’t it? Protection, provision, love, support, care. So if you’re looking for a girlfriend, that’s what you should be looking to offer. If you’re looking for a boyfriend, you should be looking for someone to give you that." I was given a 45 hour sermon series titled 'Dating, Relationships, and Marriage' at the end of 2011. I'm not sure who the pastor who created the audio recording was, but he had a thick Boston accent and kept referring to 'divorce' as 'divaaarce'. He had a lot to say on matters, and a lot of it didn't resonate with me at all.. However something that definately did stand out is that women should marry a man who is more 'sorted' than she is, who is more intelligent, more hard working, more together.. because if a woman ends up with a man who isn't as smart, isn't as focused, isn't as intelligent, isn't as connected to God, then how can she submit to him without arguing? How can she genuinely show respect? Many men would read this and think 'Any woman saying that thinks she's too good, and I shouldn't bother' but as women we must remember that the right man, and a man worth respecting, is a man who would read such things and reach a revelation of who men are called to be under God, and think to himself 'I'm going to do my best to be THAT man because THAT is the woman that I was the respect of'. Too many christians are telling empowered women to lower their standards. They should be telling the men to step up to the plate. Women have their role in this too. Many women have attempted to emasculate men both in and out of the church, and this is also unacceptable behaviour that creates negativity and disharmony for everyone. From the same website as above, is the following. "2:14-15: Solomon explains what he wants from this next date. He wants to see her face, he wants to hear her voice. Men, take note! We’re to be trees so that our girl can sit in our shade (2:3), but we’re not to dominate. We must delight to hear her, not the sound of our own voice. We’re not to oppress. If when you’re together, it’s only you speaking all the time, and you’re not interested in what she’s got to say, there’s something wrong with your relationship. But he wants more: “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.” What on earth does that mean? He’s asking her to deal with the little problems that could come and spoil their relationship and their love. It is the little things often, isn’t it? " This study of Song of Songs has a different interpretation of the 'Do Not Awaken Love' verse. It merely suggests that this scripture is about abstaining from sexual immorality.. A different interpretation to the one in the previous post about waiting on Gods best. "2:6-7: Perhaps for the first time, Solomon embraces her (“His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me.”) Her knees go weak, her heart starts beating, and she’s got to pull herself back down to earth! Be careful, she says to herself, “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” Be careful of touch. Don’t go too far. Take your time, she says." Another useful blog located here has their own opinions on the scripture. She addresses that the scripture is about sexual purity but then goes on to say "a closer reading of the references show the statement can be interpreted as an even more holistic charge to approach every aspect of love with patience. " and then she goes on to say "“a reminder to all those desiring a love like the one she and the [Lover] had to wait [diligently] for God to bring it in their lives.”" "By waiting for love, the Beloved and the Lover are not only able to overcome doubts about the relationship, but also see it reach a new height. And so she urges the Daughters of Jerusalem to wait for love!" She goes on to say that women often struggle with rushing love, or attempting to. They get into relationships with the wrong men who are not willing to commit on the same level that they are, that a womans expression of her need for love is greater than a mans, and this causes her to sometimes quickly enter into something that should not be. Hearts, dreams, bodies, being given to undeserving men. When we rush love we end up with consequences that God was trying to protect us from in the first place.

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