The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Lions are Empowered by The Lioness - My Notes - Lioness Arising - Lisa Bevere

Lisa starts the CD talking about her fascination with Lions and the documentaries about them.
One day she felt a revelation that the Lions are empowered by the Lioness.
She goes on to quote 'It is NOT good for man to be alone' - This biblical passage refers directly to marriage, after Adam had the closest union than any other human EVER (besides Jesus) in that he was the ONLY man to exist at the time.. yet God said 'it is NOT good for man to be alone'

- It's interesting because this ties in with another book that I'm reading 'Get Married' by Candace Waters that talks about the fact that the author believes (and I agree) that we are ALL CALLED to be married.. we are all CALLED to marriage - unless we are specifically called not to. - The book points out that the Bible begins with marriage (Adam and Eve) it ends with marriage (Christ and the Church) and Jesus first miracle was at a wedding also! (Water into Wine!) - None of these are irrelevant factors, none of these should be overlooked!
Furthermore is the fact that as a child I remember hear-in that marriage is the basic foundation of all christian families.. Therefore one of the devils most powerful tools is to destroy the christian family unit. How can he do that? Well by destroying marriage of course.. and according to Candace Waters book, when Christians downplay the importance of marriage, when they downplay the call or desire to be married, when they say things like 'marriage isn't everything' or 'being married isn't that great' they are assisting the devil at TEARING DOWN the sanctity of marriage! We must speak of marriage in the most uplifting of ways, for it is something God has called us ALL to do.. It's NOT merely 'one of many paths you can take' it is THE path we are to take, unless God has spoken to us specifically about being celebrate for ministry for life..

- I feel Lisa Beveres CD 'Lioness Arising' completely backs up this theory and principle.
A man is empowered by a woman. There are elements of a man - his courage, his destiny, his strength, that only comes out when he is empowered by a woman who believes in Him.
Women need to be whole as Proverbs 31 guides us, so that we may lead christian men into their destiny's!

Numbers 23 - They rise up like a lioness
"God is going to give rise to women who have the power of the lioness" - Lisa Bevere
"God will give us the vision.. and make it about us"

Follow God like sheep,
but deal with injustice like lions.
God talks about protecting us with Eagles wings
He talks about His meekness as a lamb,
but He talks about His judgement as a lion!

God will out-pour His Spirit.. and we must unleash what we have for God and from God to the world..

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