The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Prayer (For the One whose name I don't know yet..)

One thing I have consistently prayed for in my life, has been my future husband. However in recent years with much more dedication and purpose.. Unfortunately when you're dating the wrong person, it can put a halt to your prayers for the right person, and so this time I feel to be single as long as possible, so that I'm sure as possible that the next man that I date will be the man that I marry.

Dear Lord, I pray for the man you have for me.
I pray that he is committed first to you. I pray that he has strength in character, I pray you give him wisdom. I pray that you give him an honest heart, a loyal and true nature, that he will be dependable, reliable, and have an amazing integrity. I pray that he will be consistent in character.

I pray Lord Jesus that you walk with him every day now, and that you guide his steps. I pray that you prepare my heart for his, and his heart for mine. I pray Lord that we both have a passion for the same ministries and that we are able to encourage each-other. I pray that our vocations and careers will be able to complement each-others and that we will walk together in unison. I pray that you will develop in him a strong faith and ability for him to lead me, and to lead many of the lost to You Lord Jesus. I pray that you will speak to us both at the same time and let us know without a doubt that we are walking in your way, and that we are the ones you have for us for each-other Lord Jesus. Lord I pray that you prepare our hearts as quickly as possible, and give us the ability to withstand the discouragement and temptation that may come our way. If another woman comes into his life Lord that is not your will for him, then guide him away from her and close the door, if another man comes into my life that looks like a red herring or a distraction then please close the door and take him away Lord. Lord I want your best for me Jesus. Jesus I feel that I am ready to be the best Proverbs 31 woman that I know how.

Jesus you have had many people prophesy into my life that this a season of preparation for my life Lord. A woman at church spoke into my life on Sunday and she said 'I see this time as you being gold, that is being refined. Everything that does not need to be in you is being taken out.. like the impurities are taken out of gold'

Friday night a man spoke into my life.. He spoke a word that may have been prophetic that I won't share just yet, because Lord I want your confirmation of it from others, and if it is your way Lord I will pray that you speak the same word from somebody to my future husband Lord. I pray that any emotional or physical yoke that binds him, that you break that bondage in Jesus name. I pray Lord that you remove any impurities that need to come from my life Lord.

Jesus I pray that when I meet this man, that he will love me like I could never imagine anybody ever loving me Lord, and I pray that you fill me with the equally strong amount of love for him. I pray that he is stronger than me, taller than me, and weighs more than me. I pray that we will both be overwhelmed with attraction for eachother for both our physical appearance and personalities as well as our spiritual connection. Lord I pray that you answer my prayers about  my future spouse, as I believe that I will be better in ministry as part of a team than on my own.

Lord as I've been in this mode of prayer tonight I felt the words "I am blessed for he is not far away" come into my mind over and over again. Did they come from you Lord? Or were they my own thoughts? I have written them down, Lord I pray that if this is your words that you convict my heart deeply that this is true God.

Jesus I pray that we will have a love so strong that no temptation can break it, no other person can falter it, and that we're able to encourage each-other and build each-other up Lord.

I pray that like me, he will sing, and have a passion for worshiping you. I pray that he will want to serve in the church as well as minister to people. I pray that we'll be able to sing together. I pray that we'll have similar goals and aspirations. I pray that we'll have similar ideas for the future family that we want, and I pray that if and when children are a part of our lives, that our marriage will always be first after our love for you Lord, and that the children will be loved after our love for each-other.
I pray that we'll be able to support each-others ministries and I pray that we'll be able to help the poor.
I pray that you'll financially bless the both of us, and that you'll give him a God centered spirit that will have him focused on his love for You, his love for me, and his determination to provide for his family and the church. I pray that he will be a dreamer who follows through with his dreams and is passionate and committed in every way.

Lord I pray that he will be kind, loving, caring, giving in nature. I pray that he will never forget my  birthday, and I pray that he will know what gifts to buy me. I pray that he will do nice kind things to make me feel loved, and I pray that I will do my best to be a proverbs 31 wife. I pray that you will teach me how to cook, and give me the discernment to know when to have dinner ready, I pray that you always give me the financial wisdom to manage funds well, and that you teach him how to do the same. I pray that you guide him how to be a leader, and I pray that you give me the patience and ability to give him the respect he will always deserve. I pray that you will help me to encourage him, even when I feel like complaining, and I pray that he will always smile to show that he loves me, even when he's sad or afraid. I pray that you will give me the ability to make him feel like he can take on the world, and I pray that you help me always show him support to be able to do what he is called to do.

I pray that he'll have an interest in the things that I do, and I pray that I'll be the best wife possible.
I pray that our ministries will work together side by side, hand in hand,
and I pray that we have a passion for you and for each-other that is unstoppable.

In Jesus name I pray,
and Lord Jesus, I pray and thank you that he is coming into my life very soon, he will be revealed to me very soon, I will know his name very soon.. for 'I am blessed for he is not far away' I pray this in Jesus name. Amen

Lyrics to My Prayer :
(Jimmy Kennedy and Georges Boulanger)

When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing
When the twilight is gone you come into my heart
And here in my heart you will stay while I pray

My prayer is to linger with you
At the end of the day in a dream that's divine
My prayer is a rapture in blue
With the world far away and your lips close to mine

Tonight while our hearts are aglow
Oh tell me the words that I'm longing to know

My prayer and the answer you give
May they still be the same for as long as we live
That you'll always be there at the end of my prayer

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