The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Powerful Sermons 2

Joel Osteen - God wants to Suprise you
God can suddenly turn your situation around
You could have had a problem for 10 years.. No matter what you are facing, God is full of suprises.
He can move the wrong person out of your life and move the right people in.
God can move you from barely enough, to more than enough.
God created the haystack.. Finding a needle in a haystack is possible.
God just has to breathe in your direction for your dreams to come to pass.
It's no big deal for God to have you in the right place at the right time.
You don't have to figure it all out. Your job is to get up each day in faith and believe. Expect Gods favour.
When you don't see a way, that doesn't mean that there is not a way. God has 1000 ways to make your dreams come to pass and get you to where you want to be.
God can make one person want to help you that will change everything.
An obstacle may look like it's stopping you. God can turn it into a stepping stone.

God will suprise you this year.. 

9 However, as it is written: “No eye has seen,     no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2.9
When doors close don't get defeated.. you don't know what blessings God is driving you to..
(hmmm.. similar to my notes from Michael Battersby's 'fresh' sermon.. and Haydns endings sermon)

The disappointment you have just experienced is setting you up for a suprise from God. 

Good Breaks
Supernatural opportunities
you have no idea the places God will take you and the great people God is going to bring into your life. The talent God will place on the inside and the goals you will accomplish. When God places a dream in your heart it will be bigger and more rewarding. 
Gods dream for your life is bigger and better than your own.

Whatever you dream, whatever you can imagine, is just a small fraction of what God has planned.
God has the right people and opportunities and finances - dare to stay in faith and expect God to suprise you. Expect God to show up in your life....

You may have been told no 1000 times. You need to keep praying asking and hoping til God brings the person with the solution into your life.
When you come accross the divine connection, God will suprise you with his favour.

When my braclet went msising in Union Square Station in Washington,
and days before on the jetty at Pensacola beach, both times thousands of people could have found it before me but I found it!

Joel Osteen - God Smiles at You By Seeing Your Faith but Devil Smiles at You by Seeing Your Fear

FEAR AND FAITH both ask us to believe in things we cannot see.
THEY ask us to believe something will happen that we cannot see.
Fear says 'your pain is going to kill you' Faith says 'temporary'
Fear says 'your business will go under' Faith says 'God is supplying your needs'
Fear says 'you have been through too much you will not be happy' Faith says 'your best days are ahead'
What we meditate on is what is going to take root
If we meditate on fear it can become a reality
Job said 'the thing I feared came upon me'
JOB 3.25
"What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me."
When you get thoughts 'you are doing good but it will end' throw it away
God said goodness and mercy will follow ALL the days of my life.
fear tries to dominate your thought life. Fear will steal your joy and enthusiasm
God told Joel Osteen that his doubts were going to stop good from coming to pass.
God will not only bring us out the other side, but better than before!
Bad things CAN happen
but we can't go around meditating on it. Go around meditating 'God my life is in your hands. I am not expecting defeat.. I am expecting to have a blessed year..
If God closes a door He will open one much much better..
Are you using your energy to believe? or to worry?
Are you expecting Gods favour? or are you expecting to barely get by?

When somebody speaks negativity over your life. .say to them "I'm not going to let you talk over my life in that way'
Reject what they've said. Activate your faith, not fear.

13.00 we can catch emotion from people like we can catch illness.
is contagious
find new people to hang around!
we are contagious..
get stronger
get more job
increase your faith by sticking around more of these people
fear is a fog. trying to intimidate us.

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