The Blog of Dylan Paige.. Life Trials and Passionate Theories...


Monday, March 25, 2013

Starting a church.... My vision

If you look at my 'dreams and aspirations' folder in my photograph albums, you'll see I feel that sometime in the future, somebody will approach me to start a church with them.

Read that section on my 'album' for more information :)

I see myself being approached by somebody to assist them in starting a church. With my public speaking skills, and my networking skills, and my leadership skills, I am able to lead worship, organise and lead prayer meetings, and assist with other setup functions.

** Since I plan on doing Metro Worship Academy in 2013 and 2014.. I'm assuming that it will be after that that this occurs.. Maybe God is preparing me at Metro Church now... to be able to do this in the future...

** An important factor right now is erradicating people who hold me back or don't believe in me, or don't believe in my dreams.. erradicating them from my life all together as soon as possible..

My life must become 100% about preparation for this.

I am just writing this out - I am going to seek Gods confirmation on this.. because this is all a pretty massive statement... I am also going to have to pray that this person comes into my life if I havn't met them already.
My guess is that whoever the person is.. has notes somewhere like this about the same thing.. I'm also guessing there will be 3-4 people involved.. not just myself and this other person...

I feel like a crazy person writing this, because my whole life has been spent being told by people 'you can't do that..' In every element of life.. including church.. I'm rebuking all of those statements.. I believe I am going to do this and achieve..

I'm still going to be routed in a bigger church.. in whatever city this occurs in...

I'm assuming the main person who will be starting this church will be a pastor. Assuming it will also be a man. (I believe a man should be the head of a church, just like how men are called to be the head of a house)

1) check the legal requirements in the state and country for the minimum ammount of people required to form a church body. - build a small community with the church on Sunday mornings and afterward.
Keep based in a bigger church on Sunday nights, as the support will be most necessary, and the church will take potentially months - years to grow

2) no matter how slow the growth is - persistence and persevereance is necessary.. Michael Jordan said "I have failed many times, that is why I achieve"

Music foundations - accoustic guitarist, 2nd instrument to be implemented would be a tambarine??
in a small setting a tambarine would provide a more simple and strong rhythym basis than a percussion drum.
If a keyboardist could join this would be brilliant.

- Focus on networking to the unpovished / poverty areas.
Destitute women with children who have been abandoned
Men who are being delivered from addictions
the jobless who need prayer and confidence to recieve healing and employment
Join with a big church for things that would require help like - is there a big church that runs a homeless soup kitchen or something that we can a) build the church with people who need God the most, but we wouldn't have the facilities to facilitate the homeless etc.. the backings up of a larger church to be allies would be most important.. then we can say 'well we're partnering wtih X church to do a soup kitchen every 2nd thursday.. etc

Implementation of a bible study fortnightly, that has a social foundation to encourage people to come.
Some sort of 'training' group for youth - young people who are struggling in the street etc..
Kids who are rejected by their parents, hanging out in the streets, etc.. running a 'getting prepared for life' course.. where we teach them how to manage their finances, how to dress presentably to the world, how to write a resume and apply for a job, how to build healthy relationships and focus on healthy boundaires in relationships and the workplace...

I feel that I would want the church to have it's own original music..
I would need a strong guitarist to assist with this (if I'm not a strong guitarist by the time it happens) h
I believe by that time I will be able to read and write notations.
In the long term the music of this church will be sang in other churches (like hillsongs is accross austrlaia and america)

How to tell if God is calling you to be a church planter... ???

Ephesians 2:21-22 ESV / 10 helpful votes
In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

The vision I'm seeing is really getting involved in people who need help.. Little old ladies that need chores or encouragement or a family, Streets that need cleaning up.. I want this to be a hands on church...
I want it to grow.. if it could grow to be the size of 2000 would be amazing.. but it will be Gods church not mine.. and whoever is going to start this church (I will merely be a support act to the main leader of the church) - they will have a vision clearer than me.. their vision will be from God...
- where you meet is NOT relevant.. besides any fees that need to be paid to the government to start up.. church is people.. it's not a building.. the church could start in a living room.. in a hotel board room.. I have no idea.. I'm guessing that whoever approaches me will have a more direct idea..
I am most likely going to be one of the main financial book keepers of the church, until it expands 

Starting a church with no money

How to start a church

- make sure your church is compliant with the law (united states)

**Start a home spiritual discussion group. The IRS requires you have three founding members who are not related by blood or marriage.**

Include a time of fellowship and getting to know people. People will continue to come if they feel welcome and cared for.

  • It is best to get good legal and financial advice to set you in good stead.
  • Isaiah 58:6, 66:8, I Tim 2:4 Conversion of the Lost.
  • Have regular prayer meetings. In Acts 6:4, Peter put prayer before ministry of the word, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." The Bible says to pray for the following 12 things:
  • I Corinthians 14:13 Christians to receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit and the gifts.
  • I Timothy 2:1 Petitions and any requests.
  • Matthew 9:37-38 Workers in the harvest.
  • I Timothy 2:2 Presidents: Pray for: Peace, Holiness and Honesty.
  • Matthew 26:41, Luke 18:1 Power to overcome temptation for all Christians.
  • Ephesians 6:19, Eph 6:12 God to open the door for missionaries.
  • James 1:5 Christians to receive wisdom.
  • Galatians 4:19, Gal 1:2 Maturity in the Churches.
  • Acts 8:15 Christians to receive the Holy Spirit and His anointing.
  • James 5:15 Christians to receive Physical, Mental and Spiritual healing.
  • II Thessalonians 1:11-12 Power to Glorify Jesus in Evangelistic crusades.

Is it your idea? Is it a good idea? Or is it GOD'S IDEA!!
Common Sources of Improper Calling
  • Anger or resentment at another pastor --------NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOES NOT APPLY
  • Easier than searching for an existing ministry position ---NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOES NOT APPLY

lol.. nothing easy about being a part of church planting.. and nothing fun about going to a church that has like.. no people hahah

  • Parent or grandparent ---------NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOES NOT APPLY
  • It’s the "in" thing -----------------------NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOES NOT APPLY

lol um.. no.

Lets investigate this.. hmmmmmmmmmm...
as I said above.. I have mentioned all the points of what I'm feeling.. what's going through my head veyr firmly (please God don't send me to Kansas.. hahah)
It's going to take prayer.
It's also going to take 'that person' approaching me.. hmmm. Preparation... Preparation is key.. what does God want me to do...
this is it

Whoever the other person is.. they are going to have to be emotionally strong.. they are going to have to be completey independant. They are going to have to have a very direct and clear vision. They are going to have to act with integrity and have an incomprehensible level of commitment - If this is a person who needs me to emotionally hold them up.. then this is not the way... Emotionally support is fine.. Emotionally hold them up is not fine.. hmmm.. I'm typing to much

"""""In marriage counseling at The Journey, I often try to talk people out of getting married. Why? It’s easier to call off an engagement than a marriage, and while it hurts in the present, it prevents a lot of pain in the future. So it is with the start of a new church. If I can talk you out of starting a church, it’s going to hurt a little now, but it’s going to save you, your family, and the people around you a lot of hurt in the future.""""""""""""

Food for meditation!!!!

Common Sources of Proper Calling
  • Prayer and Bible Study—God confirms His call in our lives through prayer and Bible study. People who are called often feel that God confirms His calling ‘every time’ they pray or read the Bible.

  • Surprise—Sometimes, people are surprised by the calling because the idea of ministry is so far from their own plan for their lives. This surprise leads to a 180° turn in career and life focus.


Burden for the Unchurched—The proper call to start a church is always accompanied by a desire to reach the unchurched. If your desire is to change the Christians in your community, then you are most assuredly not called to start a new church. However, if you have strong passion to reach the unchurched, then you may be hearing properly from God.


Godly Counsel—Are people around you confirming your call? They may be surprised, but in their hearts, they can confirm that God has called you to plant a church. 

When exactly were you called? What were the circumstances around your call? And how did it match up with the sources of proper calling?
It’s a good idea to sketch out an outline of your call. Write it in ink, because once you start moving forward, you’ll want to come back to your confirmed calling over and over again.


i'M not married but found this bit interesting anyway...
"First, the timing of your call may not match exactly with the timing of your spouse’s call. Your call may come before your spouse’s. You must be patient and allow God to speak to your spouse in His own timing. Often, a spouse’s call may come days, weeks, or even months after the call of the church starter. Your role during this period is to be patient and gentle and avoid pushiness. Just as God called you together in marriage, He’ll call you together to start a church. If you move forward in your calling without your spouse, you are not only acting outside of God’s will for your marriage, but you are putting your future church in jeopardy."

as I've written out this stuff. I've pointed out it won'tbe me starting the church.. it will be me supporting somebody else starting a church, but I'll be a foudning member.. 
"this person" who will approach me.. perhaps they havn't been called to do this yet.. OR perhaps they have been but they have not met me yet.. who knows..

3. My Call to a Place
The third call is the call to a place—a city, town, community, or area where God wants you to start a church. Often, this call to a specific place is part of the original calling. At times, it comes later. There is generally a correlation between who you are and the place where God calls you to plant. While a few exceptional people are called to cross-cultural ministries, most of us are called to places that match our personality or life experiences. Ron Sylvia, a church planting coach in Florida, has said, “God prepares you for a place, and God prepares a place for you.”

Woah.. this advice really speaks to me.. but I don't know what place it would be.. I don't know hwho will approach me. I don't even have the 'when' but it can't be this year or next. both years are kind of blocked off.. I don't know

"3. Is there an area where you told God, “This is the last place in the world I would ever want to live?” That might be the place where He is calling you to start a church. Remember Jonah."

I don't want to read that! (not Kansas.. no seriously.. not Kansas!)

5. Contemplate this passage: “It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance.”—Hebrews 11:8 (NLT)
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